
Are you looking for a personal shopper or dp you prefer being the shopper? Wither way, thats great and you can’t lose. Naturally you’ll want to get to know your products. When it comes to buying merchandise either for yourself or for someone else, you always want to find the best cost. We ship abroad and our job at Savin Exporting is to find the best shipping and most affordable prices for our clients. Nothing will make you or myself happier than saving money. At Savin Exporting we’ll assist you in shopping all over the web for a variety of items some common, some unusual and very uncommon that you may be in search of or know someone else who desires these products.

We offer you the most affordable, cheap, inexpensive worldwide shipping available and when we find prices, we show you a variety of quotes to allow you to choose which works best for you!

The worst mistake that anyway can make is to shop for a product and not know the product. Why? Colors, scents, sizes and quantity are very pertinent when it comes making a purchase. Gather as much pertinent information as you can to assure that you are buying the correct  brand and product.

So what kind of items do clients around the globe ask for? Many items that we use daily and take for granted. About 65% of my clientele has the niche for candles. Whether they are for themselves as collectors or to sell to others as a business, candles are a huge sale. There are a variety of brands that our clients ask us to shop for and we are ever so happy go go out on a limb and search them out. We prefer and or i should say that we would rather be shopping online as it is easier and there is not travel time as I charge mileage.

Knowing your product is key. In this competitive market, we strongly recommend that you know your product, Your knowledge is as imperative as is knowing where to find that item at the lowest cost. I will share with my clients via social media; i.e. Instagram, FaceBook, Pinterest, any coupons or discounts available. My end result is to save clients money so that they can buy more either than date or at a later date and they will thank you.

If you know your product, you got this. Its in the basket! At Savin Exporting we know the business.